Saturday, April 04, 2009

Block NATO, Strasbourg.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Egodiversion is active again.


10:27 AM  
Anonymous Expatriot said...

Until the victory, always.

Thank you France.


12:28 PM  
Anonymous .::ZTB::. said...


12:31 PM  
Blogger ozbillybong said...

fucken wankers get a job.

5:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Let's break things! oh, that was good fun. I haven't felt this alive since I pushed over that asthmatic six year old in gym class and cracked his tooth.
Well, I guess you'd better rebuild our shit so we can watch Idol and get our four dollar lattes down the street.
Oh, by the way, who is it who pays everyone to take care of us... y'know, police force... fire fighters... construction crews, all that jazz? It's those upper-class fascists, right guys?

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AFA read more about them here

3:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Everyone of those people should be arrested. Who is going to protect them other than NATO? The dog biting the hand that feeds him...

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its funny how these spoiled little shits cause so much problems but if someone is harassing them they are the first to scream bloody murder and run to the authority's for are all a bunch of fucking cowards. its one thing to defy oppression its another to destroy shit just to vent you pathetic impotence.

11:53 AM  
Blogger Steve Indigo said...

Fuck the haters. THIS is democracy in action.

10:34 PM  
Blogger said...

The United States of America was founded by people doing the same things. We live in a nation that supposedly allows people to be "free thinkers and doers." Not people who let themselves be coddled by big government and corporations. The right to make a goddamn mess is one Americans are born with, yet we are conditioned to avoid thinking about the reasons behind rioting, instead focusing on who has to clean it up, who loses $$, etc..
I hope none who have posted above meet the same conditions that the people in the pictures have faced. To assume that rioters are just doing it for fun would point to your ignorance as to what's happening in the world. The world would be a better place if everyone was able to get fat and watch TIVO instead of protecting their rights and freedoms. READ BEYOND THE HEADLINES.

10:40 AM  
Anonymous lynx said...

to the two anon posters who suggest that these folks (a) don't have jobs (b) don't contribute to society and (c) would be "the first to scream bloody murder and run to the authority's for help" it's obvious you've never actually met an Anarchists. Most of us work hard in shit jobs and are far more involved in volunteering and doing tangible work to make the world a better place then your whiny asses, and I seriously doubt anyone photographed here would run to the police for help or protection under any circumstance.

that said, there's a lot more to anarchism then just breaking things and I wish the constructive side of our movement that's working hard to build a better world got as much coverage as our efforts to tear down the global capitalist death machine that threatens all life with extinction. Both are necessary if our species wants to survive, both are important and valid.

and if you anon's are too blind to see the wholesale destruction of our communities and ecosystem that your apathy enables and too stupid to realize we've got to fight back by every means available if we even want to have a chance of surviving the destruction that the next few years will bring (super-storms & massive flooding of urban areas due to global warming, agricultural collapse and mass starvation due to peak oil, economic collapse due to the insanity of our global finance system, and so on) then do us all a favor and stop pissing in the gene pool.

anarchists burning capitalist banks are not the problem. apathetic fucks like you are the real threat. and I hope you get everything that's coming to you because you can be damn sure that when it all comes crashing down your precious gestapo wont be there to save you.

12:04 AM  
Anonymous Ace said...

Well written lynx

Tell me though, when the structure of society is nonexistent what will the world do? with no rules and no oppresion there would be no legal system, with no legal system theres no punishment for theft, murder, etc. and without that there will be no such thing as ownership of anything.... unless you have the biggest gun and THEN you are the ruler, the king, and then what? you back at square one, except now you are being controlled by someone much less productive... these are often called warlords....

So then ya fuckin cunt... if thats what you want, maybe move to Mogadishu and let us all know how you like anarchy...

8:36 AM  
Blogger power2theplankton said...

While I would agree that apathy is a big problem and anarchists have and do great things for people in this world, i do not think violence is one of them. I would much prefer non-violent civil disobedience, which could get more support from more people. Violent acts give police a reason to be more violent, and allow easy negative spin on protests. Even the police themselves see it as a good way to destroy the movement, as they go undercover to incite violence. They want you to be violent so they can repress further. What they don't want you to do is be supported by the overwhelming majority of people in the country.

8:36 AM  
Blogger SimAC said...

to Anonymous:
you talk a lot of unsubstantiated bullshit - for instance calling people cowards, and yet you don't have the spine to tell people your own name when offering even an opinion!
No worries though, I chose one for you so you don't have to feel so hypocritical: "Cointelpro"

2:12 AM  
Anonymous Kazooka said...

Yo Ace, there are a lot of theories on what TRUE anarchism would run like. It's not chaos and mayhem, that's just lies our gov. feeds you. Before making accusations, perhaps it would be wise to read up on some literature and actually know what anarchism rather just spurt out your ignorance, because it just makes you a complete idiot :]



1:30 PM  
Anonymous Barry said...

Well I went to Iraq and I went to the Balkans under the US Flag.I find it most curious that the Media doesnt cover the good things that have been accomplished,the schools and orphanages that have been built and sustained at the cost of lives-(not to mention the fact that US troops are in Kosovo RIGHT NOW protecting Muslims from Christian Serbs)We are painted as blood thirsty killers while the vast majority of missions are humanitarian in nature-that just isnt sexy enough.Oh,By the Way,you bad ol scary anarchists,when are you going to attack some HARD targets,y know,with someone other than cops with 'stand down-dont confront' orders opposing you?Hmmmmm?

2:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anarchists get the hell off the corporate owned internet. Thanks.

9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They might be making a mess, but somebody has to clean it up. They're creating employment through destruction! Pipe-bombs as Economic Stimulus Packages!

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Brian said...

HAHAHAHAHA Lynx your a tool. Stop dying your hair black and go outside.

4:57 AM  
Anonymous Brian said...

Lynx the tough anarchist

"just found out my truck would cost more to fix then it's worth. I hate cars. if public transit didn't suck so much I wouldn't have one."

lol, gestapo....

4:59 AM  
Anonymous Scott said...

Let me say one thing first: I am NOT an anarchist.

That said, I FULLY support what is pictured here. These are people that are not going to back down against oppression. These are people that are more dedicated than any of you can know. These are people risking everything to fight for what they believe in, which is, in the end, a better world for EVERYONE. Class society has caused of these problems, and a world without social classes would not mean "chaos", it would mean "peace". Without kings, without "the elite", without these corporate interests, there would be no war. The people in each area would decide what "rules" would exist in their society, instead of electing assholes to go to some other city and make laws that you don't like.

It's like a guy from Alaska going to LA and telling people that they need thick winter jackets in October. People from one place ruling people in another place just doesn't make sense. I think the people that know what's best for an area are the people who live in that area.

This is what anarchists want to create. Who are we to fault them for trying to improve the lives of everyone else?

As for the question of the necessity of violence, how else can we respond to tyranny and oppression? "Civil disobedience" has NEVER achieved anything, no matter what your 10th grade history class may have told you. Martin Luther King Jr. won many important civil rights for all people in the US, but ONLY because the government had a choice between MLK's movement and Malcom X's movement, which would have used "any means necessary". Between those two choices, the best one for the ruling class in the USA was obviously the non-violent ways of MLK. Gandhi was "successful" in India because the British could no longer maintain their empire. There was pressure from other countries, there were radical revolutionary movements in India, and there was also the in-fighting between Muslims and Hindus (which the British encouraged, so that they would fight each other and not the British). There has never been anything real achieved by non-violence. And while we would like nothing more than to be able to have a protest to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, or to simply demand a radical change in the law, we cannot realistically expect that the ruling class will give in because we have a lot of angry signs. They will give up their power only when it is taken from them.

To those who laugh at this movement, I ask you this: what have you done with your life that puts you in a place where you can judge people you don't know about an event you've never heard of for a cause you don't understand?

8:45 PM  
Blogger Dire Grizzly Bear said...

Yes, Scott. But you can't just "Do something" and expect positive results. Nor can you ever expect to win by looking like terrorists.

A lot of ideas sound good on paper, but don't work in real life (i.e. communism). Anarchism isn't even that. You want anarchy? Try the LA Riots. Try any SHTF (Shit Hits the Fan) situation. People pushed become animals. There won't be any of this peace, love and harmony crap without somebody to tell the sheep how to behave.

Anonymous at 11:52--See Broken Window Fallacy.

Simply put, as ugly as it is, in that it relies on us being our brutish selves, capitalism works.

Hell, you said it yourself, lynx: "Most of us work hard in shit jobs and..." I'm sorry you didn't pay attention in school, but some of us did. Simply because you ruined your chance doesn't give you the right to ruin ours.

8:38 PM  
Blogger avisioncame said...

Anarchists are always throwing stuff.

2:10 PM  
Blogger David Nervosa said...


Firstly, your concept of what a terrorist is has been spoon-fed to you by your government. You have been told that anyone who threatens the interests of the elite is a terrorist who wants to create mass chaos, when actually there are more people with opposed interests to the elite than people with similar interests.

Secondly, anarchy is not chaos. People pushed do become animals, and you know what really pushes people? Someone telling us how to behave. Especially when they have a gang of policemen standing behind them ready to enforce their idea of "the best way to behave" with violence. For a lot of people, life is a constant SHTF situation. Just because your life is comfortable doesn't mean everyone has that privilege.

Thirdly, doing well in school is almost irrelevant at this point in time to getting a good job. Getting a good job relies on having "connections" with wealthy business owners. You know whose connected to wealthy business owners? Other wealthy people. If you're not rich, it just comes down to dumb luck. Or maybe you can go to college to help your chances, but also, only rich need apply.

Capitalism is working if you have a very pessimistic view of what "working" means. What exactly is capitalism doing that communism and anarchism can't which constitutes an economic system's ability to "work"?

P.S. Why abbreviate shit when you just explain what the acronym is anyway?

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@avisioncame: YES. YES THEY ARE :D

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you expect people to get a job exactly?

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We pay just like them ... it isn't against them it's the government

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In an ideal work we wouldn't need protection. That is the true point of anarchism

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True anarchistic beliefs are that all power to each person. It takes place in an ideal world where people take only what they need and give the extra ... why don't you go sit in on some meetings and stop sitting at your computer and bitching. If you don't like it do something.

3:49 PM  

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